
2022年12月28日—DoesanyonehaveastepbystepguidetodowngradingyouryourFirmwareonyourCanonEOSM?Anylinkstothe2.0.2firmware?Ifyouguysknow ...,MakesureyouarerunningCanonfirmware2.0.2.OnceyouhavethecorrectCanonfirmware:Formatthecardfromthecamera.UnzipthearchiveandcopyML ...,2018年5月6日—沒想到過了多年,這台逐漸被大家淡忘的機種竟然可以拍攝24格的2.5K(2520×1080)RAW,這都要歸功與MagicLantern開發了SDUHS記憶...

Need Help Downgrading EOS M from 2.0.3

2022年12月28日 — Does anyone have a step by step guide to downgrading your your Firmware on your Canon EOS M? Any links to the 2.0.2 firmware? If you guys know ...


Make sure you are running Canon firmware 2.0.2. Once you have the correct Canon firmware: Format the card from the camera. Unzip the archive and copy ML ...

Magic Latern

2018年5月6日 — 沒想到過了多年,這台逐漸被大家淡忘的機種竟然可以拍攝24格的2.5K(2520×1080) RAW,這都要歸功與Magic Lantern開發了SD UHS記憶卡的超頻寫入速度。 刷韌 ...

EOS M(2.0.2)+Magic Lantern (非正式版)

EOS M(2.0.2)+Magic Lantern (非正式版) - 謝謝資料~~今晚返去試試~~峰值對焦方便好多(Canon單眼相機第2頁)

ML for EOS M Firmware version 2.0.3 (I wanna use it as a ...

2020年11月7日 — My EOS M firmware has been updated to version 2.0.3. I think I found a Magic Lantern version for that, but the link is broken. Where can I ...

Canon EOS M

2013年12月30日 — Remove battery. Use EOScard (Windows) or Make_bootable.sh (macOS/Linux) to create a bootable card. Copy extracted ML build for firmware 2.0.3 to ...

Magic Lantern

Magic Lantern is a free firmware addon for Canon EOS DSLR cameras that adds a host of features to assist photographers and videographers.


EOS -M magic lantern-v2.3簡易安裝版-安裝教學9/05更新- 請問能否分享您的2.0.2 檔案呢?謝謝。(Canon單眼相機第2頁)

EOSMSG - Canon 相機快門數查詢網站

EOSMSG - Canon 相機快門數查詢網站
